Xylor Jane: New Editions

Xylor Jane: New Editions

We are pleased to announce a series of three etchings by Xylor Jane entited 23s, 5, and Triangular numbers under 100. Please visit her webpage to see images of the work and view photos of the artist’s process at...
Xylor Jane: Cat Hearts

Xylor Jane: Cat Hearts

Wingate Studio is pleased to announce a new edition by Xylor Jane entitled Cat Hearts. This portfolio of six prints was printed and published by Wingate Studio, and can be purchased as a set, a set in a custom demin-bound slip case, or individually. Please visit Xylor...
New Edition: Marie Watt

New Edition: Marie Watt

Wingate Studio is pleased to announce a new edition by Marie Watt entitled Daybook. This print was printed and published by Wingate Studio, and was created in Yale University’s etching studios for their Print Catalyst program.  Please visit Marie Watt’s page to...

New Edition: Shona McAndrew

Wingate Studio is pleased to announce a new edition by Shona McAndrew entitled Jazzmyne in collaboration with CHART Gallery. This print was created and printed at Wingate Studio and published by CHART. Please visit Shona McAndrew’s page to learn more about her...